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Watch: Hunterrr's gorgeous women

Watch: Hunterrr

What would a Hunterrr be without the women in his life! A new video featurette for the film 'Hunterrr' has just been released, which shifts the focus to the three women in Mandar Ponkshe aka Gulshan Devaiah's life: Radhika Apte as Trupti ,Sai Tamhankar as Jyotsna and Veera Saxena as Parul. The video clearly suggests that if Mandar is a 'Hunterrr', the three women aren't simply his 'prey' either. As Director Harshavardhan Kulkarni says: "All the 3 women are not Hunterrr ke Shikaar, the are Shikaaris in their own right!" Actress Radhika Apte (who just received tremendous acclaim for her role in Badlapur) plays the free-spirited, independent Trupti, who she describes as a character she could instantly relate to: "Every woman is a strong character, has a history and story... And she knows what he is doing!"